About us​

We help ambitious agency founders achieve their goals, using real-world agency experience to guide and support them on their journey.

We specialise in the unique challenges presented by growth, helping to pre-empt the organisational and management problems that come with it. This frees founders up to focus their attention on what really matters: doing great client work and winning more new business.

Our unique approach combines direct experience of leading a rapidly-growing agency with in-depth knowledge of organisational development and psychology.

Paul Muggeridge-Breene​

Paul is CEO of Thrive and an experienced agency advisor. Previously, he co-founded and grew an agency to 70 team members and £5m turnover in eight years, before exiting via an Employee Ownership Trust. He’s also a former international journalist, a qualified accountant (MAAT) and a member of the British Psychological Society (GMBPsS).

Paul’s experience, combined with specialist training, means he brings a unique skillset as an agency advisor, including deep commercial and financial knowledge, an intuitive understanding of what drives and what blocks employees, an innate ability to optimise team structures and workflows and a mastery of how to inspire and lead lasting change.

Get in touch​

Call or email us if you’d like to discuss how we can help you.